Up -coming ‘Walking with God course’ Saturday 8th Feb
here is part of the introduction
An awareness of God and commitment to follow His ways brings us out of darkness and into the light. However, it is in contrast to the world around us and therefore brings a set of very real challenges. There is a strong pull away from God’s will and it takes on many forms. We each have our own version of separation from God. Picture a small child who can be selfish or stubborn, easily distracted or reluctant to follow instructions and take advice. The parents choose to guide the child and give parameters in order to ensure the child is able to make the necessary progress to form healthy connections in later life. What if the child is not able to hear or understand the guidance and the message never gets through? The child grows up unaware of its shortcomings and learns the hard way or not at all.
Here is a extract from one of the sessions
I am currently teaching my 17 year old daughter to drive. She is making good progress after only 3 outings on the road. It has struck me just how many things there are to think of and be aware of as we drive. For experienced drivers we do a lot of it automatically but for the beginner it can be daunting and overwhelming. Imagine allowing a beginner out onto the public roads with a high powered sports car and no instructions or guidance. Inevitable disaster! Perhaps it is safer to keep our children at home and discourage independence. We are sensible enough to know there has to be a middle ground. The challenge comes as we try to impart our knowledge and experience in a calm, encouraging and loving way, whilst warning of the very real, life altering dangers that lurk on the roads. This is a glimpse of the challenge facing our heavenly father. How to get the message across in such a way that it can be heard, understood and acted upon without condemnation. My daughter is able to cope with the corrections because she has trusted that, in this situation at least, I know best. She is aware of both the dangers and rewards that come with freedom. We don't have to pass a test with God, but we have the opportunity to go on an adventure, the chance to journey with the one who made you, loves you and knows you better than anyone else ever could. It makes sense to listen, build connections, gain understanding and avoid damage and destruction.
What does it mean to walk with God? What does it look like? And how do we do it?
The aim of this course is to enable us to begin to answer those questions. We will look at God’s intentions and His promises, as well as focus on our responses and ability to connect with God’s Spirit.